Year for query:
Query description:
Number of cows: min: max: or equals:
Milk per cow: min: max: or equals:
Cows per worker: min: max: or equals:
Milk per worker: min: max: or equals:
Rate of return on all capital, without appreciation: min: max: or equals:
Net farm income per cow, without appreciation: min: max: or equals:
Labor and management income per operator: min: max: or equals:
Milking frequency (1 = 2x, 2 = 3x, 3 = other): min: max: or equals:
Milking system:
(1 = bucket & carry, 2 = dumping station, 3 = pipeline,
4 = herringbone conventional, 5 = herringbone rapid,
6 = parallel, 7 = parabone, 8 = rotary, 9 = other)

min: max: or equals:
Dairy housing:
(1 = stanchion/tie stall, 2 = freestall, 3 = combination)
min: max: or equals:
Jersy herd:
(enter > x%)
min: max: or equals:
Bst usage:
(enter > x%)
min: max: or equals:
Hay acres: min: max: or equals:
Corn silage acres: min: max: or equals:
Corn grain acres: min: max: or equals:
County (e.g. Albany|Allegany|Broome):
State (e.g. NY|CA|MI):
Grazing farms:
Organic farms:
"farm coded full-time" or "farm coded part-time"
Full-time Part-time
Owner Type:
"farm coded owner" or "farm coded renter"
Owner Renter
Farm Type:
"farm coded dairy" or "farm coded cash-crop"
Dairy Cash-crop
  Click on the X at the upper right corner of the report window to return to this query page.
Number of hits: